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3.2.3.  List Standard Journal Groups

Standard journals groups are used to define groups of standard journals that are often posted together, such as during period end. To access the master list of standard journal groups, go to Accounting > General Ledger > Standard Journals > List Groups. The following screen will appear:

Standard Journal Groups master list

The Standard Journals Groups screen displays information on all existing standard journal groups, including journal group name and journal group description.  Standard Journal Group

To create a new standard journal group, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

Create new Standard Journal Group

When creating a new standard journal group, you are presented with the following options:


Enter a name to describe the journal group.


Enter a description to further describe the journal group.

Show Expired Components

Select to include journals that have been expired from the journal group in the displayed list of journal groups.

Show Future Components

Select to include journals that will in the future be added to the journal group in the displayed list of journal groups.

Member Items

Display lists journals associated with the journal group, using the specified parameters.  Standard Journal Group Item

To add a new standard journal to a standard journal group, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

Add new Standard Journal Group Item

When adding a standard journal to a standard journal group, you are presented with the following options:

Standard Journal

Specify the standard journal you want to add to the journal group.


Indicates date when journal becomes an effective member of the journal group.


Indicates date when journal expires from the journal group.

May be Applied any Amount of Times

Select if standard journal may be applied any amount of times.

May only be Applied ... Times

Select if standard journal may be applied only a set amount of times.

Specify the maximum number of times the standard journal may be applied.