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12.6. Archive sales History

If your system contains older sales history information which you no longer need for sales analysis purposes, you may archive that history—effectively removing it from view. Any archived sales history will not be shown in sales analysis reports. If you ever want to view archived sales history again, you may restore it at any point. For more information, see Section 12.7, “Restore Sales History”.

To archive sales history, go to Sales > Utilities > Archive Sales History. The following screen will appear:

Archive Sales History


Archiving sales history does not delete sales history. Rather, the historical data is simply relocated to a storage archive on the database. You may restore sales history from the archive at any time.

When archiving sales history, you are presented with the following options:

All Customer Types

Select to archive sales history for all customer types.


Specify customer type whose sales history you want to archive.


Enter a customer type pattern to select a range of customer types. Refine your search using regular expressions.

All Product Categories

Select to archive sales history for all product categories.


Specify product category whose sales history you want to archive.


Enter a product category pattern to select a range of product categories. Refine your search using regular expressions.

Archive Freight, sales Tax and Misc. Items

Select to archive all the sales information which is not directly related to the item sites for a sales order—that is, freight charges, tax, etc.

All Sites

Select to archive sales history for all sites.


Specify site whose sales history you want to archive.

Start Date

sales history generated on or after this date will be archived.

End Date

Sales history by shipping zone by item generated on or before this date will be archived.

The following buttons are unique to this screen:


Archives sales history using the specified parameters.