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1.6.3.  Print Payment Run

To print a payment run, go to Accounting > Accounts Payable > Forms > Print Payment Run. The following screen will appear:

Print Payments


If payments being printed contain reference lines which spill over and exceed one standard page, then consider using the report definition CheckMultiPage.xml. This payment form is designed to support multiple pages for one payment number.

When printing a payment run, you are presented with the following options:

Bank Account

Specify the bank account associated with the payment run you want to print. Only bank accounts which require printing will have payments to print. If the specified bank account is configured to use electronic funds transfer (EFT), the CREATE EFT FILE button will be enabled on this screen.

Next Payment #

Displays the first available payment number in the payment run for the specified bank account.

# of Payments to Print

Specify how many payments should be printed in the payment run. Payment numbers increment in intervals of one (1) beginning with the first payment number displayed above. The maximum possible selection indicates the maximum number of payments in the payment run. Selecting a number less than the maximum will cause that number of payments to be printed, leaving the remaining number still to be printed.


Payments will automatically print by recipient type (vendor, tax authority, customer) then alphabetically by the recipients number.

Order Payments by Name

Select to print payments in alphabetical order by vendor, customer, or tax authority name.

The following buttons are unique to this screen:


Select to create an EFT file. This button will be enabled only for bank accounts which are configured to use EFT.

If for some reason you experience printing problems when printing a payment run, select the NO button from the following screen:

Print message

If you select the NO button at the end of printing a payment run, the following screen will appear:

Review Printed Payments

The Review Printed Payments screen lists all the payments which were included in the payment run.


The default action listed for all payments in a payment run is printed. Each payment will be marked as printed when you select the COMPLETE button, unless you specify one of the other possible actions: void, replace, etc.

When reviewing the list of payments included in a payment run, you are presented with the following options:


Select to perform the specified action associated with each of the listed payments. This should be the last option selected at the conclusion of your payment run review. Selecting this option terminates the review process. If no action is specified for a payment, the status of the payment will remain as it was prior to printing the payment run.


Select to reprint a payment if the payment was reported as having been printed incorrectly. This option only works for payments whose printing has been specifically reported as unsuccessful. Successfully printed payments may not be reprinted. The ability to reprint badly printed payments is an Accounting module configuration. For more information, please see Allow Reprinting Payment #.


Highlight a payment number and then select this option to remove any action associated with the payment. If no action is specified for a payment, the status of the payment will remain as it was prior to printing the payment run.


You may select multiple payments for marking using the SHIFT or CTRL key and your mouse.


Highlight a payment number and then select this option to mark the payment as printed. By default, all payments in a payment run are marked as printed.


Highlight a payment number and then select this option to mark the payment as voided. Before a payment can be replaced, it must first be voided.


Highlight a payment number and then select this option to mark the payment as voided and then replace the payment with a new payment. Using this option, you can both void and replace a payment in one step.


Use this option to automatically select all payments for marking, or unmarking.