A bill of lading is an example of a shipping form. To print a shipping form, go to
. The following screen will appear:When printing a shipping form, you are presented with the following options:
Enter the order number of the sales order or transfer order whose shipping form you want to print.
Specify the shipment number you want to print a packing list for. Shipment numbers are assigned to orders when line item quantity is issued to shipping. A single order may have multiple shipments associated with it. If no stock has ever been issued to shipping for an order, then no shipment number will be associated with it.
Displays the ship-to address for the specified order.
Specify the name of the shipping form you want to print.
Specify the shipping charges associated with the order
Specify details for the shipping form copies you want to print.
Specify the number of copies you want to print. To add a watermark or show/hide prices on the printed form, double-click on a copy line.
To add a watermark to a printed form, double-click on the copy you want to add the watermark to. The following screen will appear:
When adding a watermark to a copy of a printed form, you are presented with the following options:
Specify the name of the watermark to be used on the selected copy. Different copies can have different watermarks.
Select to show prices on the selected copy.