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5.10. Accounting

Edit A/R Open Item

Select to edit limited aspects of the specified open item.

Edit Invoice

Select to edit the specified invoice.

Edit Open Item

Select to edit the specified open item.

Edit Receivable Item

Select to edit the specified A/R item.

Forward Update

Select to forward update the specified account.

New Cash Receipt

Select to create a new cash receipt.

On Hold

Select to place the specified payable item on hold.


Select to open the specified item.

Post Cash Receipt

Select to post the specified cash receipt.

Print Statement

Select to print a statement for the specified customer.

Reverse Journal

Select to reverse the specified journal posting.

View A/P Open

Select to view the AP open item.

View Apply to Debit Memo

Select to view the debit memo the specified document was applied to.

View Apply to Invoice

Select to view the invoice the specified document was applied to.

View Apply to Voucher

Select to view the voucher the specified document was applied to.

View A/R Open Item

Select to view the specified open item.

View Cash Receipt

Select to view the specified cash receipt.

View Credit Memo

Select to view the specified credit memo.

View G/L Series

Select to view G/L series information for the specified document.

View G/L Transactions

Select to view general ledger transactions for the specified account.

View Invoice

Select to view the specified invoice.

View Invoice Details

Select to view detailed invoice information.

View Open Item

Select to view the specified open item.

View Open Items

Select to view open items for the specified account.

View Receivable Item

Select to view the specified A/R item.

View Source

Select to view the source document detail.

View Source Credit Memo

Select to view details for the specified credit memo.

View Voucher

Select to view the specified voucher.


Select to void the specified document.

Void Posted Cash Receipt

Select to void the specified posted cash receipt. You may only void cash receipts entered in xTuple ERP version 3.3.0 or later.

Void Posted Check

Select to void the specified posted check.

Void Posted Credit Memo

Select to void the specified sales order credit memo. Does not apply to miscellaneous A/R credit memos.

Void Posted Invoice

Select to void the specified posted invoice.