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13.3.2.  Customer Form Assignments

Customer form assignments are used to specify which printed reports you want your customers to receive. You can make the assignments individually by customer—or by customer type. In the case where more than one form assignment applies to a customer, the system will always use the most specific reference first. For example, a form assignment for an individual customer is more specific than a form assignment for an entire customer type, etc. To access the Customer Form Assignments master list, go to Sales > Setup > Master Information > Customer Form Assignments. The following screen will appear:

Customer Form Assignments master list

The Customer Form Assignments screen displays information on existing customer form assignments. Customer Form Assignment

To create a new customer form assignment, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

Create new Customer Form Assignment

When creating a new customer form assignment, you are presented with the following options:

Selected Customer Type

Specify the customer type you want to associate with the listed customer forms.

Customer Type Pattern

Enter a customer type pattern to select a range of customer types. Refine your search using regular expressions.

Invoice Form

Specify the invoice form you want to assign to the customer type(s).

Sales Credit Form

Specify the sales credit form you want to assign to the customer type(s).

Statement Form

Specify the statement form you want to assign to the customer type(s).

Quote Form

Specify the quote form you want to assign to the customer type(s).

Packing List Form

Specify the packing list form you want to assign to the customer type(s). The packing list selection is used after sales order line item quantity has been issued to shipping.

Sales Order Pick List Form

Specify the sales order pick list form you want to assign to the customer type(s). The sales order pick list selection is used before sales order line item quantity has been issued to shipping.


The system includes two alternate sales order pick list report definitions:

  • PickingListSOClosedLines.xml

  • PickingListNoClosedLines.xml

The first includes already closed sales order line items in the report; the other excludes closed line items. Report definitions (i.e., forms) are assigned by customer type.