To view uninvoiced receipts and returns, go to
. The following screen will appear:When displaying uninvoiced receipts and returns, you are presented with the following options:
Select to display uninvoiced receipts and returns for all sites. You must select this option to include non-inventory receipt information in the display. Because non-inventory items, by definition, do not have item sites, you cannot report on them by individual site(s).
Specify site whose uninvoiced receipts and returns you want to display.
Select to display uninvoiced receipts and returns for all purchasing agents.
Specify purchasing agent whose uninvoiced receipts and returns you want to display. Users may be designated as purchasing agents in the
menu.Display lists uninvoiced receipts and returns, using the specified parameters.
The primary path for marking purchase order line items as invoiced is on the Voucher Item screen. If received (or returned) quantity is tagged as Yes on the Voucher Item screen—and the voucher is then posted—the quantity will no longer appear on the Uninvoiced Receipts and Returns screen.