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3.3. Post Journals to Ledger

If your system is configured to post transactions to intermediate journals (sometimes also referred to as day-books), it is important that you periodically post transactions from the journals to the general ledger. The reason for this is that the trial balance and other financial reports draw their information solely from the general ledger. If journal transactions are not posted to the general ledger, then they will not be included in the system's financial reports.

One advantage to using intermediate journals is that transactions are summarized when they are posted over to the general ledger. In this way, transaction detail remains in the journals, with the summarized version of that detail residing in the general ledger. You can post journals to the general ledger on a daily, monthly, or weekly basis. It's up to you how you want to implement this feature. But again, keep in mind that financial reports will only be updated when journal transactions are posted over to the general ledger.

To review and post journals to the general ledger, go to Accounting > General Ledger > Post Journals to Ledger. The following screen will appear:

Post Journals to general ledger

When reviewing journals for posting to the general ledger, you are presented with the following options:

Transaction Dates

Specify a date range for the journals you want to review and post.

Start Date

Journal transactions posted on and after this date will be included in the display.

End Date

Journal transactions posted on and before this date will be included in the display.

Preview Posting

Select if you want to review the transaction detail for the journals before posting. You will not be able to post journals while in preview mode.

General Ledger Distribution

Specify a distribution date:


Enter the date when you want the selected journals to be posted to the general ledger.

Eligible Sources

Display lists unposted journals available for posting to the general ledger. You may select one or multiple journals for posting using your mouse and the SHIFT or CTRL key. To select all journals for posting, select the SELECT ALL button.

Print on Post

Select if you want to print a report of the posted journals after the POST button has been pushed.

The following buttons are unique to this screen:


Select to post the selected journals to the general ledger, using the specified distribution date. Only selected journals will be posted.


Select to include all available journals for posting to the general ledger.