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1.2.8. My Dashboard Desktop

The My Dashboard desktop provides a place for you to create a personalized dashboard space, with the dashboard panes you are most interested in seeing. The My Dashboard desktop is unique to your own user account, and is not shared with others in your company.

Maintenance desktop

Dashboard panes are used to contain charts, which are populated using datasources. To create a new dashboard pane, select the ADD button located toward the bottom of the Dashboard window. The following screen will appear:

Add new Pane

When creating a new dashboard pane, you are presented with the following options:

Pane Title

Enter a title to identify the pane.

Pane Description

Enter a brief description to describe the pane.


Specify which datasource you want to use as the source for the dashboard pane's chart. The dashboards package includes several stock datasources. You may also create custom datasources on your own. For more information, please see the xTuple Dashboards Product Guide.

Chart Type

Specify which chart type you want the dashboard pane to display. The chart type options will be limited to the types specified on the selected datasource definition.

Layout Grid Width

Specify how many panes you want displayed in a row on the Dashboard screen, from as few as one to as many as three across. The layout grid width options will be limited to the layout options specified on the selected datasource definition.