xTuple Admin Guide
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Chapter 3. Web-Enabled Server Administration on Linux Using xTAU
Chapter 3. Web-Enabled Server Administration on Linux Using xTAU
1. Installing on Linux with xTuple Admin Utility
1.1. Setting up VirtualBox
1.1.1. Setting up Linux
1.2. Clone the
1.2.1. Logging on
2. Choosing your Method of installation
2.1. All-in-one installation
2.1.1. xTuple Commerce OS Setup
2.1.2. Postfix Configuration
2.1.3. Finishing Up
2.1.4. Setting up Your Local Machine
2.2. Interactive installation
2.2.1. Install Base xTuple system
2.2.2. PostgreSQL Maintenance
2.2.3. Database Maintenance
2.2.4. **SSH Connection Manager** [STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
2.2.5. Generate Github Token
2.2.6. Web-enabled installation
2.2.7. xTupleCommerce Maintenance
2.2.8. Developer Zone
3. Command Line Installation
4. How to Log In to Your xTuple Database
4.1. Find the IP Address of Your VM
4.2. Connect with the Desktop Client
5. Installing Other Extensions
6. PostgreSQL Maintenance with xTuple Admin Utility
6.1. Install PostgreSQL 9.3
6.2. List Provisioned Clusters
6.3. Select Cluster
6.4. Create New Cluster
6.5. Backup Globals
6.6. Restore Globals
7. Upgrading with the xTuple Admin Utility