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5. Backing Up Your Database

You can back up your xTuple database at any time (and you should, regularly).

To make a new backup of your database using pgAdmin, find the database in the servers list in pgAdmin, right click on the database name, and select Backup….

Then, on the General tab, click the ellipses (...) to enter a filename.

Entering file name

Select the path to your file, and select Backup as the format, and leave the other fields blank.

Create new backup file

On the Dump options tab, select Blobs as the Type of objects.

Select Blobs

Further down the screen in Dump options select Verbose messages

Select Verbose

Then click the BACKUP button to generate your backup file.

  • Please make sure your backup is a .backup and not a plain text SQL dump.

  • Please do not include s p a c e s or speci@| ch@r@cters in file names.

  • To make a proper backup, please use PGAdmin, or the following command (modified for your environment):

  • path/to/pg_dump --host localhost --port 5432 --username admin MyDatabase --format custom --blobs --file MyIncidentNumber.backup