Once you have the PostgreSQL server running, you need to install plv8, the JavaScript language engine for PostgreSQL.
V8 is a JavaScript engine written by Google. plv8, sometimes written as "PL/v8", is a procedural language wrapper around V8 that lets you write PostgreSQL stored procedures in JavaScript. The xTuple REST API and many extensions to our desktop client are written in JavaScript using plv8, so it is now required for all xTuple installations.
If you're already running the xTuple mobile web client or customer web portal, then plv8 is already installed. The same is true if you set up your database server with the xtuple-admin-utility.
If you are installing PostgreSQL yourself (not using xTAU), you will need to install plv8 on your server. Do-it-yourselfers can build plv8 from source. Alternatively, xTuple has bundled up versions for Mac, Linux, and Windows servers (see links below to download these).
Note that you only need plv8 on your database server. It's part of the server infrastructure. You don't need to change your client machines.