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8.2. Commercial edition updater packages

The naming convention for Distribution Edition is similar to that for PostBooks®, using std instead of pb as the prefix (e.g. std300to301.gz; Manufacturing Edition is also similar but has no prefix at all (e.g. 300to301.gz). If you are updating the Manufacturing Edition, you will need to apply the update package for Standard Edition, and then for Manufacturing Edition at each step. If you are updating a version that is already at 4.4 or higher, you need only do this one time. If you are updating a version below 4.4.0, you will need to install the Standard Edition update package and then the Manufacturing Edition update package for each version as you go. So to get from 4.1.0 to 4.4.0, you would do std4.2.xto4.3.x and mfg4.2.xto4.3.x, then std4.3.xto4.4.x and mfg4.3.xto.4.4.x, then the std-upgrade-410x and Manufacturing-upgrade-410x packages.