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Chapter 7. Sales Module

1. Quote
1.1. New Quote
1.1.1. Quote Item
1.2. List Quotes
2. Sales Order
2.1. New Simple Sales Order
2.2. New Sales Order
2.2.1. Sales Order Item
2.3. Open Sales Orders
2.4. Search Orders
3. Billing
3.1. Invoice
3.1.1. Uninvoiced Shipments
3.1.2. Approve Shipped Orders for Billing
3.1.3. Approve Order for Billing
3.1.4. Billing Approvals
3.1.5. New Invoice
3.1.6. List Unposted Invoices
3.1.7. Post Invoices
3.2. Sales Credit
3.2.1. New Sales Credit
3.2.2. List Unposted Sales Credits
3.2.3. Sales Credit Edit List
3.2.4. Post Sales Credits
3.3. Forms
3.3.1. Print Invoices
3.3.2. Re-Print Invoices
3.3.3. Print Sales Credits
3.3.4. Re-Print Sales Credits
3.3.5. Send Electronic Invoice
4. Return Auth.
4.1. Return Authorization
4.1.1. Return Authorization Item
4.2. List Return Authorizations
4.3. Return Authorization Workbench
5. Lookup
5.1. Quote
5.1.1. Quote Lookup by Customer
5.1.2. Quote Lookup by Item
5.2. Sales Order
5.2.1. Search Orders
5.2.2. Sales Order Lookup by Item
5.3. Return Auth.
5.3.1. Return Authorization Lookup by Item
5.4. Sales Order Status
6. Forms
6.1. Print Sales Order Form
6.2. Print Return Authorization Form
6.3. Packing List Batch
6.4. Print Packing List
6.5. Send Electronic Sales Order Form
6.6. Send Electronic Quote
7. Reports
7.1. Summarized Backlog
7.2. Backlog
7.3. Partially Shipped Orders
7.4. Item Reservations
7.5. Inventory Availability
7.6. Inventory Availability by Sales Order
7.7. Inventory Availability by Customer Type
7.8. Earned Commissions
7.9. Brief Earned Commissions
7.10. Sales Rep Commissions
7.11. Gross Margin Commissions
7.12. Lost Sales
7.13. Tax History
8. Analysis
8.1. Bookings
8.2. Time-Phased Bookings
8.3. Sales History
8.3.1. Sales History Information
8.4. Brief Sales History
8.5. Summarized Sales History
8.6. Time-Phased Sales History
9. Prospect
9.1. Enter New Prospect
9.2. List Prospects
10. Customer
10.1. Enter New Customer
10.2. Customers
10.3. Customer Workbench
10.4. Customer Groups
10.4.1. Customer Group
11. Pricing
11.1. Item List Price
11.2. Update List Prices
11.3. List Pricing Schedules
11.3.1. List Pricing Schedule
11.4. Update List Pricing Schedules
11.5. List Pricing Schedule Assignments
11.5.1. List Pricing Schedule Assignment
11.6. Pricing Schedules
11.6.1. Pricing Schedule
11.7. Update Pricing Schedules
11.8. Pricing Schedule Assignments
11.8.1. Pricing Schedule Assignment
11.9. Sales
11.9.1. Sale
11.10. Reports
11.10.1. Prices by Customer Type
11.10.2. Prices by Customer
11.10.3. Prices by Item
11.10.4. Freight Prices by Customer Type
11.10.5. Freight Prices by Customer
12. Utilities
12.1. Reassign Customer Types by Customer Type
12.2. Update Credit Status by Customer
12.3. Purge Invoices
12.4. Purge Sales Credits
12.5. Allocate Reservations
12.6. Archive Sales History
12.7. Restore Sales History
13. Setup
13.1. Configure
13.1.1. Configure Sales
13.2. Accounting Mappings
13.2.1. Receivables Assignments
13.2.2. Sales Assignments
13.2.3. Sales Categories
13.3. Master Information
13.3.1. Characteristics
13.3.2. Customer Form Assignments
13.3.3. Customer Types
13.3.4. Sale Types
13.3.5. Sales Reps
13.3.6. Ship Vias
13.3.7. Shipping Charge Types
13.3.8. Shipping Forms
13.3.9. Shipping Zones
13.3.10. Tax Codes
13.3.11. Terms

In this chapter, we describe the Sales module. This module is responsible for defining and maintaining the following key sales and customer relationship components:

  • Sales Orders

  • Item Pricing

  • Billing

  • Billing Terms

  • Customer Information

  • Sales Commissions