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7.7.  Inventory Availability by Customer Type

If Sales Order Reservations are enabled at your site, this screen may be considered a useful workbench for processing Sales Order Reservations. While other screens support this functionality, the Inventory Availability by Customer Type report consolidates several useful functions in one location.

To view Inventory Availability by Customer Type, select the "Inventory Availability by Customer Type" option. The following screen will appear:

Inventory Availability by Customer Type

When displaying Inventory Availability by Customer Type, you are presented with the following options:

All Customer Types

Select to display Inventory Availability for all Customer Types.


Specify Customer Type whose Inventory Availability you want to display.


Enter a Customer Type pattern to select a range of Customer Types. Refine your search using Regular Expressions.

Only Show Shortages

Select to only show Inventory shortages in display. A shortage describes Inventory quantity whose Availability is negative.

Only Show Available to Ship

Select to include only Inventory that is available to ship.

Use Reservation Netting

Select to show Sales Order Reservations (if any) for the Sales Order Items included in the display. When selected, the "This Availability" column will dynamically change to "This Reservation" and the quantity reserved for each Sales Order Item (if any) will be shown. This option will not be visible if Sales Order reservations are not enabled at your site.


To manipulate Sales Order Reservations by Line Item, use the right-click options found on this screen.

Show W/O Supply

Select to include current Work Orders for the Sales Order Items shown in the display. If current Work Orders exist, they will appear nested below each relevant Sales Order Item.


Display lists Inventory Availability by Customer Type, using the specified parameters. If an available quantity value displays in the color orange, this means the actual or projected Quantity on Hand is at or below the Reorder Level. If the color is red, the current or projected Quantity on Hand is below 0.


The display features additional color-coding to help easily identify the Sales Order Reservation status of individual Orders and also Line Items. The following color conventions are used:

  • Green (Line Item level): Line Item quantity is fully-reserved.

  • Green (Header level): Sales Order has been added to the Packing List Batch

  • Blue: Line Item quantity is partially-reserved.

  • Black: Line Item has no Sales Order reservations.