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11.3.1. List Pricing Schedule

A single List Pricing Schedule may contain multiple Items or Product Categories—and multiple Quantity Breaks. To create a new List Pricing Schedule, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

Create New List Pricing Schedule


When Sales Orders are entered, the system will search for Quantity Break matches between the Sales Order Item and the relevant List Pricing Schedule. If duplicate Quantity Breaks are found, the lowest Price for the given quantity will be used.

When creating a new List Pricing Schedule, you are presented with the following options:


Enter the name of the List Pricing Schedule.


Enter a description to identify the List Pricing Schedule.


Enter the date when the List Pricing Schedule becomes effective.


The effectivity and expiration dates for List Pricing Schedules correspond to the created date for Sales Orders. Changes to Line Item quantities or scheduled dates for already-created Sales Orders can also cause List Pricing Schedule effectivity to be recalculated as of the date the changes occur.


Enter the date when the List Pricing Schedule expires.


Display lists all sold Items or Product Categories assigned to this List Pricing Schedule.


Select the currency.


This field is only enabled when multiple currencies are used.

Calculate Net Price using Site

Select the Site to be used for calculating Net Price when Average Cost is used as the markup basis.


List Pricing Schedules are not updated by Site. The Site indicated here is only used for calculating the Net Price. List Pricing Schedule Item

To create a new List Pricing Schedule Item, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

List Pricing Schedule for Item

When creating a new List Pricing Schedule Item, you are presented with the following options:


Specify which type of List Pricing Schedule Item you want to create: Nominal, Discount, or Freight. The screen will present different options depending on which type option you select.

Select the "Nominal" option for simple quantity break pricing by Item. When the "Nominal" option is selected, you will be presented with the following choices:

Item Number

Enter the Item Number of the Item you want to add to the List Pricing Schedule. The lookup feature located to the right of the field leads to a searchable sold Items list. Multiple sold Items may be assigned to a single List Pricing Schedule.


Inventory Unit of Measure.

Qty. Break

Enter the lowest quantity of the specified Item that must be purchased to receive the specified Price. The Quantity Break is measured in the Inventory Unit of Measure. Multiple Quantity Breaks may be assigned to a single Item.


Enter the Price the specified Item may be purchased for if the specified Quantity Break is met. The Price is measured in the Price Unit of Measure.

Item List Price

Displays the List Price for the specified Item.

Qty. UOM

Specify the Unit of Measure (UOM) to be used when selling the Line Item. Sold Items may be assigned multiple Selling UOMs. These alternate UOMs may be defined on the Item master. You may also select a global conversion ratio here. Global conversions have the label Global appended to them. If a Line Item has no Selling UOM defined, then the Inventory UOM will be used here by default.


When using a Selling UOM for the Quantity Break, you may not select an alternate Price UOM. The reason for this is that selling UOMs use the same UOM for both quantity and pricing.

Price UOM

Specify the Price Unit of Measure to be used with the specified Quantity Break UOM. If you select a Selling UOM for the Qty. UOM, you will not be able to select a Price UOM. For Selling UOMs, the Selling UOM and the Price UOM are the same.

Price/Inv. Ratio

Displays the ratio between the Price and Inventory Units of Measure for the specified Item.

Cost (Pricing UOM)

Displays Standard Cost and Actual Cost for the specified Item.


The margin is determined by the following formula: Price - Cost / Price.

If the specified Item is a configured Item, then the "Characteristics" tab will be available. Characteristics for configured Items can carry their own List Prices. These Characteristic Prices may be added to the Base Price when configured Items are sold. To define Characteristic pricing for configured Items, select the "Characteristics" tab. The following screen will appear:

Configured Item Pricing

When defining Characteristic pricing for configured Items, you are presented with the following options:


List displays all the Characteristic Prices which have been associated with the List Pricing Schedule Item.

To add a new Characteristic pricing Item, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

Characteristic Pricing

When adding a new Characteristic pricing Item, you are presented with the following options:


Select a Characteristic from the list of Item Characteristics defined for the specified Item.


Select a Value from the list of Values defined for the specified Item Characteristic.


Enter a new Price for the Characteristic and Value combination. This alternate Price will be used in place of the standard Characteristic List Price when the List Pricing Schedule is used.

List Price

Displays the default List Price for the Item Characteristic. The List Price for Characteristics is added to the Base Price of Sales Order Items when the Characteristic is specified at Sales Order entry time. List Pricing Schedules are designed to override standard List Prices.

Select the "Discount" option for fixed amount or percentage based discount pricing by Item. For List Pricing Schedules, only discounting by Item is available. Discounting by Product Category is not available for List Pricing Schedules. To enter discounts by Item, select the "Item" option. The following screen will appear:

Item Discounts

When discounting by Item, you will be presented with the following options:

Item Number

Specify the Item you want to add to the List Pricing Schedule.

Qty. Break (Inventory UOM)

Enter the lowest quantity that must be purchased to receive the specified Discount.

Discount Percent (List Price)

Enter the Discount percentage off List Price to be used when the specified Quantity Break is reached.

Discount By Fixed Amount

Enter the fixed amount you want to be discounted off the List Price. If a Discount percentage is also used, the fixed amount will be subtracted after the Discount percentage. However, the Price can never go below zero.

Select the "Markup" option to calculate the Price as a markup on the Wholesale Price.


When the "Markup" option is selected, you will be presented with the following choices:

Markup By

Select this option if the Markup depends on the Item that is selected. You will be prompted for the Item Number.

Item Number

Enter the Item Number this List Pricing Schedule Item will be applied to.

Product Category

Markup by Product Category is not available for List Pricing Schedules.

Qty. Break (Inventory UOM)

Enter the lowest quantity that must be purchased for the specified Markup to be applied.

Markup Percent (Inventory Cost)

Enter the Markup Percent that needs to be added to the Inventory Cost.

Markup By Fixed Amount

Enter the Fixed Amount the Inventory Cost will be increased by.


The Inventory Cost will be increased with the sum of the Markup Percent and the Fixed Amount.