The "Brief Sales History" screen provides a quick view into sales history without presenting a lot of detail at the top level. Here are some tips for using this screen:
Use the right-click menu to uncover more detailed sales information.
Isolate the sales information you're looking for by building a custom search filter.
Search for Orders using the Customer's P/O Number.
Prices are normalized to the Base Currency using the Currency Exchange Rate effective on the Invoice Date.
Don't forget to save your custom search filters so you and others in your organization can use them for future searches.
The following screenshot shows the "Brief Sales History" screen:
The default filter on the "Brief Sales History" screen shows all transactions for the current day. You can build your own search criteria using the following options:
Select a filter from the list of available filters, then select the QUERY button to generate search results. Only saved filters will appear in this list.
Select this button to show the parameters underlying the saved filter. To hide the parameters, click the MORE button a second time.
When building a custom query, you have the following options:
Select to add a new parameter to the query.
Select to remove a parameter from the query. This option is disabled for default parameters.
Select to save your filter for future use. Saved filters will appear in the list of available filters.
Select to manage your saved filters. To learn more about managing filters, please see Section 2.1.2, “Search Filters”.
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