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2.1. PSPRICE Table

The PostgreSQL database uses schema to organize packages and add ons to the database. The xWDPriceSheet package has its own schema to house all of the functions and tables used for imports. The destination of these imports will be the catalog table in the xwd schema. These tables and functions serve as the vehicle to update the catalog, and the catalog is used to update items that have been converted. Below is a table that describes the psprice table in the xwdpricesheet schema and how they relate to the catalog table in the xwd schema. The code that controls how the psprice table interacts with xwd.catalog table can be found in the function importpsprice under the xwdpricesheet schema.

Table A.10. psprice Table

psprice fieldxwd.catalog fieldxTuple fieldDescription
psprice_vend_numcatalog_mfr_ucc_numvend_num (vendinfo table)The vend_num field is used to create a vendor record if one does not exist. This would be the vend_num field in the vendinfo table if no vendor record exists during convert of the item.
psprice_mfr_shortnamecatalog_mfr_shortnameprefix used in the item_number field to create the item_numberitem_numbers in the system are created in the system with a prefix for the vendor to insure no duplicate item numbers are used. If you prefer not to use the prefix, simply leave this field blank and just the catalog_i2_cat_num field would be used as the item_number when converted.
psprice_mfr_fullnamecatalog_mfr_fullnamevend_name (vendinfo table)This field is used for the vendor name if the vendor record is created on convert.
psprice_min_order_typecatalog_min_order_typeitemsrc_min_order_qtyIf set to Q then itemsrc_min_order_qty=1 else itemsrc_min_order_qty=psprice_min_order_qty
psprice_min_order_qtycatalog_min_order_qtyitemsrc_min_order_qtyIf psprice_min_order_type set to Q then itemsrc_min_order_qty=1 else itemsrc_min_order_qty=psprice_min_order_qty
psprice_i2_cat_numcatalog_i2_cat_numitem_numberIf psprice_mfr_shortname is null, then just the catalog_i2_cat_num will be used as the item number. If the catalog_mfr_shortname is not null, then the item_number value will be catalog_mfr_shortname-catalog_i2_cat_num
psprice_mfr_cat_numcatalog_mfr_cat_numitemsrc_vend_item_numberUsed as the item_number on the PO to send to the vendor (no prefix).
psprice_product_namecatalog_product_nameitem_descrip1First line of description on the item.
psprice_mfr_descripcatalog_mfr_descripitem_descrip2 / itemsrc_vend_item_descripSecond line of description on the item and the vendor item description on the PO.
psprice_comm_codecatalog_comm_codeitem_classcode_idIf the comm_code does not exist, the convert and the update will create it and use that id as the comm_code_id.
psprice_comm_pixcatalog_comm_pixN/ANot used with custom price sheets.
psprice_lgcy_uomcatalog_lgcy_uomitem_price_uom_idIf it does not exist in the uom table, the convert and the update will create it and set the item_price_uom_id to that uom_id. (If the value is C or M the update will also create a item conversion to 100 or 1000 if ps_uom=E.)
psprice_ps_uomcatalog_ps_uomitem_inv_uom_id / itemsrc_vend_uomOnly created for the convert (item_inv_uom), once set this field is not updated to maintain quantity on hand integrity. itemsrc_vend_uom is updated.
psprice_listcatalog_listitem_listcost / itemsrc_price/itemcost_stdcostcatalog_list is only used as cost if the catalog_custom_price1 filed is null and the catalog_col3 field is also null. (NOTE: Incident #25810 will update after that incident is closed.)
psprice_col3catalog_col3item_listcost / itemsrc_price_itemcost_stdcostcatalog_col3 is only used as cost if the catalog_custom_price1 field is null.
psprice_costcatalog_costitem_listcost / itemsrc_price_itemcost_stdcostcatalog_cost is only used as cost if the catalog_custom_price1 field is null as well as the catalog_col3 is also null.
psprice_custom_price1catalog_custom_price1item_listcost / itemsrc_price_itemcost_stdcostcatalog_custom_price1 is the primary field for costing in the catalog.
psprice_pkg_weightcatalog_pkg_weightitem_packweightThis if for the weight of the packaging on the item.
psprice_2k_desccatalog_2k_descitem_extdescripExtended description for the item.
psprice_indv_weightcatalog_indv_weightitem_prodweightItem weight
psprice_pkg_freight_classcatalog_pkg_freight_classitem_freightclass_id / missingFreight class is created if it does not exist. If no value is provided then the default is "Missing".
psprice_upccatalog_upcitem_upccode / itemsrc_upccodeIf your vendor does not provide a UPC, then use the item number as the UPC. UPC and item numbers are used to update items, your UPC should not be null.
psprice_prod_catcatalog_prod_catitem_prodcat_idIf the product category does not exist on convert or update it will be created.
psprice_pdf_urlcatalog_pdf_urlitem documentThis field is added as a document to the item.
psprice_web_urlcatalog_web_urlitem documentThis field is added as a document to the item.