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4. Content Types

In Chapter 2, Product Management, we explored how to add descriptive information about the products you sell online. But xTupleCommerce allows you to publish a much wider range of other content, which you can use to populate your portal and drive traffic to your site. We'll be discussing these various available content types in this section.

Content types are predefined online forms that make it easy for you to add content to your portal. All websites are made up of different types of content. Content types standardize the fields that are used for particular kinds of content. For example, articles will always need the same standard fields of information: title, text summary, text and illustration. Having predefined fields for content makes it much easier for users to simply fill in the blanks and let the web system organize all the information.


When creating new content, you should consider leaving the content as unpublished until you are completely finished working on it. However, you must save the content as unpublished as the system does not auto-save content on your behalf. Then, when the content is ready, you can publish it for your audience to view.

As a general rule, entering content using content types is easy. Most fields are WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) and many come with easy-to-use editing tools for adding links, bulleted lists, etc.

Here's a list of all the content types that come standard with every xTupleCommerce system:

  • Article

  • FAQ

  • Form

  • Page

  • Promo

  • Testimonial

In the following sections, we'll describe the features of all these standard content types.