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4.1. Article

Articles are an extremely flexible content type you can use to let your customers know more about the activities your company is engaged in. You can use articles to provide news about your organization, create blog topics, or write about any subject at all. Articles are also a great tool for improving your search engine optimization (SEO).

Article fields

There are four main fields in the article content type. Below are explanations for each field:


This is the main title of the article. The title will be seen on the list of articles and on the top of the page for the article.

Text Summary

Sometimes called the "teaser," the summary helps introduce the article. It will appear along with the title when the article is in a list with other articles.


The text is the content for the article. You can copy and paste content from documents or write directly in the window. Using the WYSIWYG toolbar icons, you are able to edit the formatting of the content, add images, add links, insert tables, etc.


When an article is part of a list, you may wish for a certain image to appear next to the title. This image will also appear at the top of the article page. Once you've uploaded an illustration, you are able to provide alternative text and a title for the image. The text will be used if for some reason the image is unavailable, and the title appears as a tool tip when users hover their mouse over the image.


Image file names cannot have special characters or spaces in them (e.g., #, @, &, etc.). These will cause the image to not load properly.

Review an existing article

To review an existing article, follow these steps:

  1. From the Admin menu, click on the Content menu option. Hint: Actually click on the word Content, without navigating to lower levels of the Content menu.

  2. After clicking on Content, you will be brought to a new screen featuring the complete list of all your content.

  3. To filter the list so only articles are visible, choose Article from the drop-down list next to the type field.

  4. Then click the FILTER button.

  5. All of your existing articles will be listed.

  6. Click on the title of the article you want to review.

Edit an existing article

To make edits to an existing article from the list of available articles, follow these steps:

  1. In the Operations column, select the edit link next to the article you'd like to change.

  2. You can change any info in the article including illustrations, content, publishing date, etc.

  3. Click SAVE once you've made your changes.

Add a new article

If you want to add a new article, you'll need to navigate down the Content menu:

  1. Go to Admin > Content > Add Content > Article. (Or click on the Add content link on the content list.)

  2. This will take you to an empty article content form.

  3. Enter all of your article's information, including a title, the text, or an image, if you'd like.

  4. To add an image, click on ILLUSTRATION on the right-hand menu that is next to the article content area.

  5. Once there, upload the image you'd like to associate with the article and click UPLOAD.

  6. Click SAVE and the article will post to the appropriate area of your portal.