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4.6. Testimonial

The testimonial content type is designed to help build trust between you and your online customers. Purchasing products through a web portal, such as xTupleCommerce, is different from making a purchase in a brick-and-mortar store. The customer has to trust the online description of the product and determine if the item is appropriately priced―all while not being able to assess the product in person. If handled correctly, testimonials can help increase the level of trust customers feel when buying from you online.


Use testimonials to present online customers with non-biased opinion and feedback about your products and services.

Testimonial fields

The following fields are found on the testimonials content type:


The name of the person giving the testimony should be entered here. The person's URL should be used if they have a biography on another site that would give further insight into who they are and why their testimony is important.


The name of the organization―and the URL for that organization (if available)―are also included in the testimonial. You might consider adding the person's job title here or in the author/title field. For example, it may be beneficial for customers to see that the president of an industry-relevant company happily uses your products.


You may want to upload a photo of the individual, their organization's logo, or the individual using your products.


Image file names cannot have special characters or spaces in them (e.g., #, @, &, etc.). These will cause the image to not load properly.


The text is the actual testimonial content that describes the author's experience with your products, service, etc.

Review an existing testimonial

To review existing testimonials, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the content list by clicking on Admin > Content.

  2. Choose Testimonial as the content type.

  3. Click the FILTER option.

  4. All of your existing testimonials will appear.

  5. Click on the title of a testimonial you want to review.

Edit an existing testimonial

To update an existing testimonial, follow these steps:

  1. Click EDIT next to the testimonial you want to change.

  2. Make your changes, then click SAVE.

Add a new testimonial

To add a new testimonial, follow these steps:

  1. To add a new resource go to Admin > Content > Add Content > Testimonials. (Or click on the Add content link on the content list.)

  2. Fill in the testimonial information.

  3. Click SAVE and they will automatically appear on your Testimonials page.

Once the testimonial has been added to the system, you can use the nodequeue tool to add, re-order, and even remove testimonials from your page. To learn more about how to use the nodequeue tool, please see Section 7, “Nodequeues”.