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4.2. FAQ

FAQs (i.e., frequently asked questions) are a short form content type used to address common customer questions. FAQs may be edited over time. All your FAQs display on a special FAQ page that the system lays out for you.

FAQ fields

The fields for FAQs are short and simple:


The question is also the title for the FAQ. Therefore, you'll want to keep your question short and to the point.


The answer is the content for the FAQ. You can copy and paste the answer from documents or write directly in the window. Using the WYSIWYG toolbar icons, you are able to edit the formatting of the content, add images to the FAQ, add links, insert tables, etc.

Review an existing FAQs

To review an existing FAQ, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the content list by clicking on Admin > Content.

  2. Choose FAQ as the content type.

  3. Click the FILTER button.

  4. All of your existing FAQs will appear.

  5. Click on the title of an FAQ you want to review.

Edit an existing FAQs

To edit an existing FAQ, follow these steps:

  1. Click EDIT next to the FAQ you want to change.

  2. Make your changes and click SAVE.

Add a new FAQ

If you want to add a new FAQ, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Admin > Content > Add Content > FAQ. (Or click on the Add content link on the content list.)

  2. On the next screen, enter the FAQ information, including the question, the answer, and any links, etc.

  3. Click SAVE.

  4. The FAQ will automatically post to the special FAQ page on the portal.

Once the FAQ has been added to the system, you can use the nodequeue tool to add, re-order, and even remove FAQs from your page. To learn more about how to use the nodequeue tool, please see Section 7, “Nodequeues”.