Discounts are created using reference items. The Discounts and Promotions package used reference items to describe discounts added to quotes, sales orders, invoices, and return authorizations. These reference items are also linked to the discount rules.
Because you may have multiple reference items representing multiple discounts, we recommend that you identify these discount items with a unique class code for filtering. Discount reference items will also need a product category that can be mapped to general ledger accounts to record discount transactions.
To get started, follow these steps:
Create a discount class code.
Create one or more discount product categories.
Create a sales assignment to map the product category to general ledger accounts.
Create a reference item, paying particular attention to the following:
Item description: This text will be displayed in documents where the discount has been applied.
Indicate that the item can be fractional. The dollar value of discounts requires that discount reference items be fractional.
Use the class code created in step 1.
Select the Is Sold flag.
Use the product category created in step 2.
Create item site(s) where the discount will be used on orders, making sure to indicate the following:
Set the planner code to
.Specify the cost category used for finished goods.