Chapter 3. Connect Inside Your Company

Table of Contents

1. Running Batch Jobs
1.1. Submitting Jobs
1.2. Monitoring Job Progress
1.3. Job Complete Confirmation
2. Emailing Reports
3. Scheduling Recurring Jobs
3.1. Making Jobs Recur on a Schedule
4. Scheduling System Maintenance
5. Event Notification
5.1. Setting Up User Preferences
5.2. Generating an Event
5.3. Receiving Notification by Email
6. Alarm Notification
6.1. Setting Up User Preferences
6.2. Creating To-Do Alarms
6.3. Sample Alarm Email

In this chapter we will explore how to use xTuple Connect to enhance workflow within your company. We will not cover every possible use of xTuple Connect. For example, we will discuss how to use xTuple Connect to communicate with other companies in other chapters. The following topics will be covered in this chapter:


All of the instructions in this chapter assume you have already completed the installation steps and the basic xTuple Connect configuration, and that the xTuple Connect Batch Manager is running and set up to work with a functioning email account. We also assume familiarity with xTuple ERP basic business process flows.