4. Scheduling System Maintenance

Server Maintenance is an xTuple ERP batch job that performs a complete PostgreSQL VACUUM FULL ANALYZE and REINDEX on the xTuple ERP database. Versions 8.1 and later of PostgreSQL run the AUTOVACUUM daemon by default, so you should not run System Maintenance on these versions (see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/VACUUM_FULL for more information). For older versions of PostgreSQL and users who frequently purge a lot of old data, it may be prudent to perform a complete vacuum on a periodic basis. If you need to run the system maintenance routine, it is best to schedule this to run at an off-peak time and as a recurring job, as described in Section 3, “Scheduling Recurring Jobs”.


In order for the REINDEX to be performed, the user that is used to log on with the xTuple Connect Batch Manager client must be a superuser on the PostgreSQL database.


As xTuple no longer supports versions 8.1 and older of PostgreSQL, Server Maintenance will be removed in a future release of xTuple Connect.

To schedule Server Maintenance and submit the job to the xTuple Connect Batch Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Follow this path: System > Schedule Server Maintenance

  2. In the "Response Email" field, the name of the user who submitted the job will appear

  3. We will leave the schedule date ASAP, as shown in the following screen:

    Scheduling Server Maintenance

If you return back to the xTuple Connect Console screen to monitor the status of this job, you will see an entry for it with the action "ServerMaintenance".