Chapter 5. Advanced EDI

The previous chapter showed how to set up xTuple Connect to send Invoices to a particular Customer. However, xTuple Connect is capable of much more. Electronic Data Interchange, or EDI, is a general term that means different things to different people. xTuple Connect has the following EDI capabilities:

Table 5.1. xTuple Connect EDI Summary

File FormatSend by FTPSend by EmailReceive and Import by FTPReceive and Import by Email
Comma Separated Values (CSV) with header lineXXXX (requires manual intervention)
Tab Separated Values (TSV) with header lineXX  
Any single character with header lineXX  
Comma Separated Values (CSV) without header lineXXXX (requires manual intervention)
Tab Separated Values (TSV) without header lineXX  
Any single character delimiter without header lineXX  
XMLXXXX (requires manual intervention)
HTML with header lineXXX (treat as XML)X (requires manual intervention)
HTML without header lineXX  

In this chapter we will explore the following aspects of EDI configuration:

  • More details on building EDI Profiles

  • Using FTP as the delivery method

  • Sending delimited text files (e.g. CSV)

  • Sending HTML and XML files

  • Designing reusable EDI Profiles

  • Receiving EDI


Much of the information in this chapter is technical in nature. If you have trouble following the steps described here, please contact your system administrator for assistance.