How to Create Reusable EDI Profiles

This section provides recommendations on how to configure xTuple Connect to send EDI. The example EDI Profile we created in the section called “Create a Simple EDI Profile” of Chapter 4, Basic EDI had significant limitations:

  • The email address of the recipient was fixed

  • The salutation in the message body was specific to this one customer—"Dear Tremendous Toys,"

  • The text of the message body was specific about the Document Type—"Attached please find a current invoice"—but did not provide the Invoice Number

  • The Profile had only one EDI Form—it could only be used to send Invoices

Then, in the section called “Defining New EDI Tokens”, we looked at ways to make EDI Profiles more flexible by finding and using document-specific information such as document numbers and appropriate email addresses in an EDI Profile.

Here are some suggestions on how to build a set of EDI Profiles that is flexible enough to do what you need without creating more EDI Profiles than you can manage.