Import Files from a Local Directory

Before xTuple Connect can import files, you must set up CSV Atlases for CSV files or XSLT Mappings for XML documents. See the xTuple ERP Reference Guide and for more information on these configuration steps.

Once the CSV and XML import are configured, you can schedule the xTuple Connect Batch Manager to check the default import directory on a regular basis. The xTuple Connect Batch Manager will then try to import any .xml and .csv files it finds. Here are the steps to create this import schedule:

  1. Follow this path: System > Setup > Configure > Import/Export

  2. Click on the "Import Settings" tab

  3. Click on the "Schedule Imports" tab

  4. Check the Recurring box and enter the import schedule

  5. On the right-hand side of the screen, enter email information the xTuple Connect Batch Manager can use to let you know what files have been imported

  6. Click the SAVE button