Chapter 4. Basic EDI

In this chapter we will configure and demonstrate the most commonly used form of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in xTuple Connect—emailing PDF files. We will use an Invoice as the example Document Type, but xTuple Connect can also send the following documents electronically: A/R Statements, Purchase Orders, Quotes, Sales Orders, and A/R Credit Memos. Chapter 5, Advanced EDI will discuss configuring the system to receive files, using FTP instead of email, and working with other file formats.

We will start by showing how simple it is to send an Invoice from xTuple ERP with xTuple Connect. Then in the section called “Configuring xTuple Connect to Send Electronic Invoices” we will show how to set things up to make this happen.


All of the instructions in this chapter assume you have already completed the installation steps and that the xTuple Connect Batch Manager is running and configured properly to work with a functioning email account. We also assume familiarity with xTuple ERP basic business process flows.