Chapter 3. Business Scenarios

Table of Contents

1. Running Batch Jobs
1.1. Submitting Jobs
1.2. Monitoring Job Progress
1.3. Job Complete Confirmation
2. Emailing Purchase Orders
2.1. Vendor Email Setup
2.2. Sending Purchase Order Emails
2.3. Receiving P/O Emails with Attachments
3. Emailing Sales Order Acknowledgements
3.1. Defining the Acknowledgement Form
3.2. Customer Email Setup
3.3. Sending S/O Acknowledgement Emails
3.4. Receiving Acknowledgement Emails with Attachments
4. Emailing Invoices
4.1. Reviewing Customer Form Assignments
4.2. Customer Email Setup
4.3. Sending Invoice Emails
4.4. Receiving Invoice Emails with Attachments
5. Emailing Reports
5.1. Submitting Reports
6. Scheduling Recurring Jobs
6.1. Selecting Job to Reschedule
7. Scheduling System Maintenance
7.1. Scheduling the Job
8. Event Notification
8.1. Setting Up User Preferences
8.2. Generating an Event
8.3. Receiving Notification by Email
9. Alarm Notification
9.1. Setting Up User Preferences
9.2. Creating To-Do Alarms
9.3. Sample Alarm Email
10. Emailing CRM Incidents
10.1. Defining EDI Profiles
10.2. Configuring CRM
10.3. Defining Incident Categories
10.4. Creating Incidents
10.5. Receiving Incident Email

In this chapter we will explore several common business scenarios that can be greatly enhanced by leveraging the capabilities of the Batch Manager. We will not be covering every possible xTuple ERP function which can be submitted to the Batch Manager. However, we hope these representative examples give you more than enough information to understand how the Batch Manager works in conjunction with xTuple ERP. The following topics will be covered:


All of the instructions in this chapter assume you have already completed the installation steps and that the Batch Manager is running and configured properly to work with a functioning email account. We also assume familiarity with xTuple ERP basic business process flows.