Purchasing Authorizations are set up on the Purchasing Authorization screen. This is found on the menu
...To filter the list to a particular user in the system, start typing their username in the User Selection area. This will automatically filter the Purchasing Levels list.
Purchasing Level Hierarchy
Purchasing Levels work in a hierarchy from most specific to least specific, and you must have authority for all purchase order items in order to release the purchase order. If there is an item on the purchase order that you do not have a purchasing level for, the purchase order release will be prevented.
The levels work from most specific to least specific. If you are authorized for all items to the value of $1000, but have a more specific level for one items at $500, you will only be allowed to release orders for that item to a value of $500. If you do not have a specific level for an item, the system will look for a less detailed level before failing if it cannot find a suitable level.
The authorization system also checks monthly spend limits and the user cannot exceed those even if the individual purchase order is within their authority.
Maintaining Purchasing Levels
To create a new purchasing level, press the New button. To edit an existing purchasing level, select the level from the list and press the Edit button. To remove a purchasing level, select the level form the list and press the Delete button.
Changes to purchasing levels take effect immediately. You do not need to restart the system or rescan privileges to changes to take effect.