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3. Purchasing Authorization Setup


Go to Purchasing > Setup. Under the Purchase Configure Options group you will see the checkbox "Use Purchasing Authorizations". Select this option to enable enhanced purchasing authorisations. Restart xTuple to bring these changes into effect.


As soon as purchasing authorizations are enabled, the system will begin preventing the release of purchase orders unless the user has the appropriate authorization. Make sure you set up your staff with purchasing levels as soon as possible.

In the same area check "Notify Manager of New Pos" if you wish to send an automatic notification email to the logged in users Manager upon creating a new Purchase Order. This option is only available if the xtConnect package is installed.


There are two authorizations required to run the Purchasing Authorisation Module (MaintainPurchasingAuths and ViewPurchasingAuths). Please assign the appropriate authorizations to your roles or your staff. Ensure you Rescan privileges to enable the new authorizations.

ViewPurchasingAuths lets the user view all authorizations and their assignment to users but not create, edit or delete any authorizations. MaintainPurchasingAuths lets the user view, create, edit, or delete any authorizations. Only assign the MaintainPurchasingAuths privilege to the user who is responsible for setting up the purchasing authorization matrix and assignment to users.

User Setup

To define purchasing authorizations, the user processing the release must also be defined as a Purchasing Agent. This is assigned to the user in the User Setup screen.