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11.5. Synchronize Companies

The synchronize Companies utility is designed to synchronize a parent database with child databases for the purpose of consolidated financial reporting. This utility will only be visible when external Company consolidation is enabled on the Accounting configuration screen—and then only when users have appropriate permissions.

When you elect to synchronize a child database with a parent, the application will check to make sure a Currency Exchange Rate exists between the functional Currency of the child and that of the parent for each Accounting Period to be imported. The system will also check for needed Account Assignments, including the Unrealized Gain/Loss Account tied to the child Company's Currency. If any requirements are missing, the process will stop and you will be presented with an error message describing the missing information.

Once all synchronization criteria are met, the synchronizer will import the Trial Balance of the child database to the Trial Balance table of the parent database in the parent's functional Currency using the Exchange Rate defined for the end of the specified Accounting Period(s) in the parent database. The parent database will keep a record of the Exchange Rate used for the import. If the Exchange Rate for that date is subsequently changed, the Exchange Rate record will be marked as "dirty"—and on the next subsequent synchronization, the Trial Balance data of the child will be re-imported using the new Exchange Rate. A warning will be shown when running Trial Balances or Financial Reports having "dirty" Exchange Rate data.

To synchronize Companies, select the "Synchronize Companies" option. The following screen will appear:

Synchronize Companies

When synchronizing Companies, you are presented with the following lists:


Select one or more Accounting Periods to synchronize.


Select one or more external Companies to synchronize.

The following buttons are unique to this screen:


Selects all the contents of the list above the button.


De-selects all the contents of the list above the button.


Executes the Company synchronization process.