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4.2.3.  P/O Items by Item

To view Purchase Order Items by Item, select the "P/O Items by Item" option. The following screen will appear:

Purchase Order Items by Item


A Purchase Order will remain open if at least one of its Line Items is open. Once all Line Items are closed, the Purchase Order will also be closed. To reopen a closed Purchase Order, simply open one of its closed Line Items.

When displaying Purchase Order Items by Item, you are presented with the following options:

Item Number

Enter the Item Number whose Purchase Order Items you want to view. The lookup feature located to the right of the field leads to a searchable list of make and buy items.


Inventory Unit of Measure.

All Sites

Select to display Purchase Order Items by Item for all Sites.


Specify Site whose Purchase Order Items by Item you want to display.

All Purchasing Agents

Select to display Purchase Order Items by Item for all Purchasing Agents.


Specify Purchasing Agent whose Purchase Order Items by Item you want to display. Users may be designated as Purchasing Agents at the system level.

All Items

Select to include all Purchase Order Items by Item in the display.

Open Items

Select to include open Purchase Order Items by Item in the display.

Closed Items

Select to include closed Purchase Order Items by Item in the display.

P/O Items

Display lists Purchase Order Items by Item, using the specified parameters.