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9.2.1. External Vendor Catalog Configurations

The External Vendor Catalog screen displays your current list of conversion configurations. The list will be as long (or short) as the total number of Vendor Catalogs you have configured to integrate with xTuple ERP. To access the list of External Vendor Catalog Configurations, select the "External Vendor Catalogs" option. The following screen will appear.

External Vendor Catalogs List

The "External Vendor Catalogs" screen displays information on all existing External Vendor Catalog Configurations, including Provider name and description. Vendor Catalog Conversion

Each External Vendor Catalog conversion specifies the default values you want to assign to Vendor Items when they are converted to become Inventory Items in xTuple. Conversions may vary from Provider to Provider, depending on the nature of the Catalog and your own particular needs.

To create a new Vendor Catalog conversion, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

Create New Vendor Catalog Conversion

When creating a new Vendor Catalog conversion, you are presented with the following options:


Enter the Provider code (e.g., TSE, TSP) in the first field and the name of the Provider in the second field.


Specify the following default Item information you want converted Items to assume in xTuple:

Inventory UOM

Specify the default Inventory Unit of Measure you want to assign to converted Items (e.g., EA).

Class Code

Specify the default Class Code you want to assign to converted Items.

Create Item Sites

Specify the following default Item Site information:


For more information about Item Site settings, please see Section 9.1, “Enter Item Site”.

All Sites

Select if you want to create Item Sites for converted Items in all Sites.


Specify the Site where you want Item Sites for converted Items to reside.


Specify the following default Vendor information to be used if Vendor records from the Catalog don't already exist in xTuple and need to be created:


For more information about Vendor records, please see Section 7.1, “Create New Vendor”.

Vendor Type

Specify the default Vendor Type you want to assign to any Vendor records that need to be created.


Specify the default Vendor Terms you want to assign to any Vendor records that need to be created.


Specify the following Tax information for newly-created Vendor and Item records:

Tax Zone

Specify the default Tax Zone you want to assign to any Vendor records that need to be created.

Tax Type

Specify the default Tax Type you want to assign to converted Items.

Inventory Control

Specify the following default Inventory Control information you want converted Items to assume:

Cost Method

Specify the default Item costing method you want to assign to converted Items.

Control Method

Specify the default Inventory control method you want to assign to converted Items.

Planner Code

Specify the default Planner Code you want to assign to converted Items.

Cost Category

Specify the default Cost Category you want to assign to converted Items.


Specify the following additional Inventory settings:


Select to make creating a Purchase Order or Purchase Request optional when entering Sales Orders for converted Items.

Allow Automatic ABC Updates

Select to make ABC updates automatic for converted Items.

ABC Class

Specify the default ABC Class for converted Items.

Cycl. Cnt. Freq

Specify the default Cycle Count frequency for converted Items.

Event Fence

Specify the default Event Fence for converted Items.

To define Location control information for converted Items, select the "Location" tab. The following screen will appear:

Location Settings

When defining Location control information for converted Items, you are presented with the following options:

Multiple Location Control

This is an optional setting which allows Items to be stored in multiple Locations in a single Site. If selected, converted Items will use multiple Location control (MLC).

Use Default Location

If MLC is enabled, you will also have the option to store converted Items in a default Location. Choose from the following default Location options:


Select if you want to specify default receiving, stocking, and issuing Locations for the converted Items.


Select if you want to specify a user-defined default Location for the converted Items.

To define the settings the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) system will use to plan for converted Items, select the "Planning" tab. The following screen will appear:

Planning Settings

When defining the Planning settings for converted Items, you are presented with the following options:

Enforce Order Parameters

Select to define the following parameters MRP will use when planning for converted Items:

Reorder Level

Specify the level Inventory availability must fall to before triggering a planned replenishment order.

Order Up To

Specify the quantity Planned Orders should replenish up to.

Minimum Order

Specify the minimum Planned Order quantity.

Maximum Order

Specify the maximum Planned Order quantity.

Order Multiple

Specify the multiple to be used for Planned Orders (e.g., order in multiples of 10, 100, etc.).

Enforce on Manual Orders

Select to also enforce the specified order parameters when entering manual orders, such as Sales Orders.


The following additional scheduling options can be defined for converted Items:

Planning System

Specify which planning system the converted Items should belong to by default (i.e., MRP, MPS).

Safety Stock

Specify the Safety Stock quantity you want to always have available on hand.

Group Planned Orders Every

Specify the group setting for Planned Orders.

Lead Time

Specify the Item Site lead time.

First Group

Select to include a special first group when grouping Planned Orders with MRP.