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9. Creating Billing Terms

The billing terms available to your customers who buy online are set up in the ERP. Individual customers will also need to have terms defined for them, if they are not already in place. Newly-created customers will inherit the default terms defined in the Sales module configuration, though the default may be over-ridden. The default terms for guest users are set at System > Setup > Configuration > xDruple Integration by selecting from the drop-down next to the Default Pre-pay Terms field. Default pre-pay terms are typically set as a credit card option. To learn more about how terms are implemented in the ERP, see the "Terms" section in the xTuple Reference Guide.


If your online customers will be using credit cards for their purchases, it's important that you define at least one billing term for credit cards in the ERP.

Once the terms are created in the ERP, you will then need to update the store settings on the web portal via Admin > Control Panel > Store Settings. Once there you have a few sections with options to fill out:

Allowed payment terms

These are the payment terms, other than credit card, that customer with the appropriate privileges can use during checkout.

Credit Card Terms

This is the one term in the ERP that represents the credit card payments.

Allowed credit card brands

These are the credit card brands which are allowed to be used on the web portal. Select which ones you want to allow to be used during checkout.