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Standard labor rates are used to streamline the process of assigning labor costs to work centers. Rates defined here may be accessed from the Work Center screen.
Enter code, description, and rate.
Work centers are collections of machines or labor that perform a specific task when building a manufactured item. Work centers are used by routings to determine the amount of available and required manufacturing capacity to produce the manufactured item. Work centers also determine the cost, in direct labor, overhead, and, optionally, machine overhead, of such production. A single site may contain multiple work centers.
Enter Work Center Number and description.
.Select Setup and Run Labor rates, either by manually entering a rate or by choosing Standard Rate.
Complete overhead fields.
Standard operations are routine operations which may occur throughout the manufacturing process at multiple work centers. Storing these operations in
streamlines the process of assigning operations to routings. The operations defined here may be accessed from the routings Item screen.Enter Standard Operation Number and description.
.Enter Setup and Run Times and choose how to report costs.
A routing is a sequential list of operations required to manufacture an item.
Select Item Number.
Enter Revision.
to add operations.Select Standard Operation and Work Center.
Enter Setup and Run Times and identify how to report costs.
Add any BOM items.
Type in additional instructions.