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2. Inventory

Create Cost Categories

Cost categories are applied to item sites as a mechanism for specifying how costs should be distributed to the general ledger (G/L) whenever inventory is received, moved, consumed, produced, shipped, scrapped, or returned. This allows the average user to select cost categories associated with an item without being forced to select individual G/L accounts.

  • Create cost category and description.

  • Map G/L accounts to cost categories.

Create Planner Codes

Planner codes are used to identify items that fall under the jurisdiction of planners—that is, employees responsible for planning, scheduling, or procurement.

  • Create code and description.

  • Select whether to automatically explode planned orders.

  • Enable multiple-level explosion (commercial edition).

Edit Sites

Sites typically describe physical production and storage facilities. Work centers, item sites, and site locations belong to sites. Commercial editions of xTuple allow you to create unlimited sites.

  • Enter name for site.

  • Select site type.

  • Specify address and contact information.

  • Optional: Create site zones for location control.

Enter Locations

Site locations—also known as locations—are the specific, unique material locations where inventory is placed within a site. If the ARBL naming convention is being enforced within a site, locations may be identified by aisle, rack, bin, and location number. In most cases, related items will be stored near to each other to simplify picking and inventory counting.

  • Select NEW to create site location.

  • Specify whether location is netable (inventoried) or restricted—and if restricted, enter any allowable items.

  • Enter location name in field below Location label.

  • Optional: Select site zone and enter aisle, rack, bin identifiers.