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5.1. Sales Rep

Even when enhanced commissions is not activated, one of the master lists in the xTuple Sales module is sales reps. However, there are two additional setup tabs that are available with enhanced commissions activated.

To access the Sales Rep master list, select Sales Reps under Master Information in the left pane of the Sales Setup screen.

Sales Rep master list

The Sales Rep master list displays the name, identification number, and active status of all existing sales reps.

You can add, maintain, view or delete sales reps from this screen. When you add, maintain or view a sales rep, you will be presented with the following screen:

Sales Representative

This is the same number as the sales rep's CRM account number.


This is the full name of the sales rep and it is the same as the sales rep's CRM account name.


This option is checked if the sales rep is currently active. Unchecking this option will make the sales rep inactive.

Comm. Prcnt

This is the commission percentage for the sales rep. For example, if the commission is to be 5%, enter the value: ".05" in the text box next to the description.


This percentage is not used if the option to Use Commission Schedules under Enhanced Commission is checked. If the Comm. Prcnt field is disabled, you will need to uncheck the Use Commission Schedule option in order for this percentage to be applied.

CRM Account...

Selecting the CRM ACCOUNT button will open the sales rep's CRM account.


Through the CRM ACCOUNT button you will gain access to maintain the vendor, employee or manager status.

The options under the Enhanced Commission tab are used to define the expense category for a sales rep's commission, to enable the use of commission schedules for the sales rep and to indicate if a sales rep receives commissions in check format.

Expense Category

This option allows for vouchers that are created to pay commission to be assigned to the sales rep's expense category. We will deal with the creation of vouchers for this purpose later under processing enhanced commissions. You can select an expense category by typing into the box next to the description, or by using the drop down menu to list, search or add categories.

Receives Check

Check this option if the sales rep receives a physical check that can be generated from xTuple through a voucher. If the commission amount need to be displayed on a commission report linked to a commission batch number, this option should be unchecked. We will look at the commissions payment and reporting display in the following chapter: Chapter 3, Processing Commissions.

The Groups tab is used to link a sales rep to a sales rep group. A sales rep can be attached to or detached from a group in this screen. The sales rep groups are also maintained in the Master Information area of the sales setup.