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4.6. Checks

Since the sales reps in our previous example are internal sales reps, we have selected the option to pay them with checks. The option to pay by check is found in the Sales Rep setup screen. The path Sales > Setup > Sales Reps will get you there to verify that these options are selected. Double click on a sale rep to see the Setup screen. The option Receives Check should be checked in both cases, as follows:

Sales Representative receives check

Now that the sales reps' payment method is verified, we can return to the sales rep commissions report to mark the relevant lines as paid. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Highlight both lines.

  2. Right-click and select Pay Commissions for Selected Invoices.

Sales Rep Commissions report after payment

In the case where a sales rep is paid with a check, a voucher is created when the relevant line on the sales rep commissions report is selected for payment. Notice the voucher number displayed for the sales reps paid by check. The vouchers can be viewed or maintained when View Voucher and Edit Voucher options are selected respectively on the relevant line.

For every payment that is made through the sales rep commissions report, a unique batch number is generated per sales representative to keep track of the batch in which a particular commission has been paid. This batch number can be viewed as a column in the report.

For our example, we will post the voucher for sales reps JSMITH and ADMIN. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Accounting > Accounts Payable > Voucher > List Unposted

  2. Highlight the relevant lines.

  3. Click the POST button and print the journal.


Sales reps paid by check will automatically be vendors for sales commissions payment purposes.

Commissions Voucher created

From the Accounts Payable workbench, we can see this entry as an open payable under the Payables tab. The following path will get you to the Accounts Payable workbench: Accounting > Accounts Payable > Workbench:

Commissions voucher visible in Payables Workbench

From the Checks tab in the same screen, we can now prepare, print and post this transaction. Our internal sales reps' commissions have now been paid by check!

This concludes the scenario section for this guide. There are too many scenarios to discuss here, but you should now be aware how flexible the enhanced commissions are and that you can configure it to suit the commissions structures of your organization.