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4.2. Ship To

As we noticed earlier, commission schedules can be filtered by ship-to address―so for this example we will use a commission schedule that is applied when a shipment goes to an address in Clemmons, NC. This ship-to address belongs to our customer tremendous toys.

According to the commission schedule based on ship-to address "STORE3," the sales rep receives 10% commission on $98.00, making the payable commission $9.80. In the following screenshot, we see the commission schedule where commission at 10% is payable when it is applied, regardless of the discount given to the customer:

Commission Schedule for shipments to Clemmons, NC

Next, we assign this schedule for application when the ship-to address is "STORE3" (Clemmons, NC):

Commission Schedule Assignment for ship-to address

On the sales order in our example, note that we have replaced the default ship-to address with "STORE3" for this order:

Sales Order Header Information

Next, we create a line item for the order, as shown below:

Sales Order Item

After we save the line item, note the entry on the Commissions tab on the sales order:

Commissions entry on Sales Order

As in the previous example we need to execute the following steps before commissions are payable:

  1. Issue stock and ship the order.

  2. Create and post the invoice.

  3. Receive payment and post the cash receipt.

Once the steps above are done, we are ready to pay the commission. To make the payment, navigate to the sales rep commissions report via the following path: Sales > Reports > Sales Rep Commissions. Note that the Paid column for the commissions in our example is still flagged as "No":

Sales Rep Commissions payable

Right click on the line and select Pay Commissions for Selected Invoices. The line is now marked as "Yes" in the Paid column.