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7.3.  Vendor Workbench

The Vendor Workbench groups together in one location a wide range of both current and historical Vendor information. To access the Vendor Workbench, select the "Vendor Workbench" option. The following screen will appear:

Vendor Workbench

When displaying Vendor information, you are presented with the following options:

Vendor #

Enter the Vendor Number of the Vendor whose information you want to view.


Displays Vendor name automatically when Vendor Number is entered.


Select this button to open the CRM Account record associated with the Vendor.


Displays the Vendor Type for the specified Vendor.

Default Terms

Displays the Vendor's default Terms.

Default Ship Via

Displays the default Ship Via for the Vendor.

First Purchase

Displays the first purchase from the Vendor.

Most Recent Purchase

Displays the most recent purchase from the Vendor.


Displays the total cost of Purchase Order items that have been ordered but not yet received.

Last Year's Purchases

Displays total purchases from Vendor for previous year.

YTD Purchases

Displays year-to-date purchases made from Vendor.

Open Balance

Displays open balance with Vendor.

To view Purchase Orders associated with the Vendor, select the "Purchase Orders" tab. The following screen will appear:

Vendor Purchase Orders

When displaying the list of Purchase Orders associated with the Vendor, you are presented with the following options:

All Sites

Select to display Purchase Orders from all sites.


Select to display Purchase Orders from a specific site

Start Date

Displays Purchase orders dated on or after date specified. Date type dependent on option selected.

End Date

Displays Purchase Orders dated on or before date specified. Date type dependent on option selected.

Order Date

Specifies Start and End Dates are based on date Purchase Order created.

Due Date

Specifies Start and End Dates are based on Purchase Order Due Date.

Receipt Date

Specifies Start and End Dates are based on date goods are received against Purchase Order.

Show Closed

Select to include closed Purchase Orders in display.

Where Item Description contains

Specify key word or phrase from the Purchase Order description to use as a parameter for display.

To view Receipts and Returns associated with the Vendor, select the "Receipts and Returns" tab. The following screen will appear:

Vendor Receipts and Returns

When displaying the list of Receipts and Returns associated with the Vendor, you are presented with the following options:

All Purchasing Agents

Select to list Purchase Order Receipts and Returns associated with all Purchasing Agents.


Select to specify only Purchase Order Receipts and Returns generated by a specific Purchasing Agent.

All Sites

Select to display Purchase Order Receipts and Returns from all sites.


Select to display Purchase Order Receipts and Returns from a specific site

Start Date

Displays Purchase Order Receipts and Returns created on or after date specified.

End Date

displays Purchase Order Receipts and Returns created on or before date specified.

Show Unvouchered

Includes Unvouchered Purchase Order Receipts and Returns in display.

Show Purchase Price Variances

Displays Purchase Cost, Receiving Cost, and Value in Purchase Order Receipts and Returns in results.

To view open Payables associated with the Vendor, select the "Payables" tab. The following screen will appear:

Vendor Payables

When displaying the list of Payables associated with the Vendor, you are presented with the following options:

Due Date

Specify date parameters to query open Payables.

Open Items

Display lists open Payables. If a Document is past due, the line for that Document will display in red type.

The following buttons are unique to this screen:


Highlight an open Payable and then click this button to manually review and select the Item for payment. This option brings you to the individual Select Payment screen, where you will find the full range of payment options.


Highlight an open Payable and then click this button to automatically select the open item for payment. Any available Terms Discount will also be applied automatically.


Highlight an open Payable and then select this button to clear the selected payment. This option effectively reverses the action of the SELECT option.


Select this button to select for payment all open Payables whose Payment Date is due or past due and whose Currency is the same as the Bank Account's Currency.


Select this option to automatically select all open Payables which are eligible for a Terms Discount and whose Currency is the same as the Bank Account's Currency. The Terms Discount will be applied automatically to all selected open items.


Select this button to clear all selected payments due. This option effectively reverses the action of the SELECT ALL DUE option.

To view Credit Memos associated with the Vendor, select the "Credit Memos" tab. The following screen will appear:

Vendor Credit Memos

When displaying the list of Credit Memos associated with the Vendor, you are presented with the following options:

Unapplied Accounts Payable Credit Memos

Displays the list of unapplied Credit Memos associated with the specified Vendor.

The following buttons are unique to this screen:


Highlight an unapplied Credit Memo and then select this button to apply an amount.

To view purchasing history with the Vendor, select the "Payables History" tab. The following screen will appear:

Vendor History

When displaying purchasing history from the Vendor, you are presented with the following options:

Start Date

Displays Documents created on or after date specified.

End Date

Displays Documents created on or before date specified.

Find Vend. Invoice #

Enter specific vendor invoice number to display.

To view Checks associated with the Vendor, select the "Checks" tab. The following screen will appear:

Vendor Check Register


From the right-click menu you can view check details. You can also void posted Checks. When voiding a Check, you will be given the option to specify the void date. Apply-to records will also be reversed on the void date you specify.

When displaying the Check Register for the Vendor, you are presented with the following options:

Bank Account

Select Bank Account whose Checks you want to display.

Check Number

Enter specific Check Number to include in the display.

Start Date

Checks created on or after specified date will be included in the display.

End Date

Queries checks created on or before specified date will be included in the display.

Show Detail

Select to expand check detail for all items listed. This can be done manually for one check at a time by clicking on the plus (+) symbol. To collapse list select the minus (-) symbol.