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7. Maintain User Accounts

The Maintain User Accounts section enables system administrators to set up and maintain user accounts, passwords, and associated application privileges. This section can only be accessed by users who have been granted the "MaintainUsers" system privilege—a privilege typically reserved for system administrators.

By default, all xTuple ERP user records are integrated with the user records on the PostgreSQL server instance where the xTuple ERP database is running. This integration makes for flexible system administration. Several of the user access options available to system administrators are described here: Section 13.1.1, “Database Information”.

We recommend that you restrict access to this section to a limited number of people. The following screen will appear when you select the "Maintain User Accounts" option:

Maintain User Accounts

The "Maintain User Accounts" screen displays information on all existing users, including username, proper name, and status. To include inactive users in the display, select the "Show Inactive User Accounts" option.