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11.4. Update Pricing Schedules

This utility is designed to update Item Prices found within Pricing Schedules. Using this screen, you can update Item Prices by Product Category, Item Group, or by Item—all without having to open the individual Pricing Schedules themselves to make the changes. To update Pricing Schedules, select the "Update Pricing Schedules" option. The following screen will appear:

Update Pricing Schedules

When updating Item Prices found within Pricing Schedules, you are presented with the following options:


This pricing utility updates Item Prices found on Pricing Schedules only. It is not designed to update List Prices or discount percentages.

Update By

Specify which Item Prices found within existing Pricing Schedules you want to update:

Product Category

Select to update Item Prices by Product Category. If Items appear on a selected Pricing Schedule and fall within the chosen Product Category, then the Item Prices for those Items will be updated by the specified amount.

Item Group

Select to update Item Prices by Item Group. If Items appear on a selected Pricing Schedule and fall within the chosen Item Group, then the Item Prices for those Items will be updated by the specified amount.


Select to update Item Prices by Item. If the Item appears on a selected Pricing Schedule, then the Item Price for that Item will be updated by the specified amount.

Show Current

Select to include current Pricing Schedules in the list of available Pricing Schedules. If not selected, current Pricing Schedules will not be included.

Show Expired

Select to include expired Pricing Schedules in the list of available Pricing Schedules. If not selected, expired Pricing Schedules will not be included.

Show Future

Select to include future Pricing Schedules in the list of available Pricing Schedules. If not selected, future Pricing Schedules will not be included.


Display will list available Pricing Schedules, based on the parameters you specified. Use the > or >> buttons to move one or all of the available Pricing Schedules into the selected Pricing Schedules list. Pricing Schedules appearing in the selected list will be updated when the utility is run.


You may select multiple Pricing Schedules to move back and forth by highlighting them using your mouse—or a combination of your mouse and either the SHIFT or CTRL keys.


Display will list Pricing Schedules which have been selected for updating. Use the < or << buttons to remove one or all of the available Pricing Schedules from the selected Pricing Schedules list. Pricing Schedules appearing in the selected list will be updated when the utility is run.

Update Prices by

Enter a positive or negative value to indicate how much you want to update your Item Prices by. The value represents either a percentage or fixed amount update, based on the following selection:


Select to update Item Prices by a percentage amount.

Fixed Amount

Select to update Item Prices by a fixed amount.

Also Update Characteristic Prices

Select to also update Prices associated with Item Characteristics for Items in the specified Product Category range.

The following buttons are unique to this screen:


Updates Item Prices, using the specified parameters.