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3.2.4. Post Returns

To post Returns in batch mode, select the "Post Returns" option. The following screen will appear:

Post Returns


Returns are posted effective on the date they are distributed, not on the date they are posted—as might be assumed.

When posting Returns, you are presented with the following options:

Post Unprinted Returns

Select to include unprinted Returns in the list of Returns to be posted. If not selected—and if there are unprinted Returns waiting to be posted—you will be prompted to print the unprinted Returns before posting may occur.

Print Return Journal

Select to print the Return Journal in addition to posting the Returns. Return Journals are assigned a unique identification number, which corresponds to the Return batch and the date the batch was posted.


A Return Journal will also be created for Returns that are posted individually—that is, not in batch mode, but one at a time. As with batch postings, the Return Journals for individually-posted Returns are assigned a unique identification number.