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9.1.1. Item Source Price

To add an Item Source Price to the list of Prices, select the ADD button. The following screen will appear:

Create New Item Source Price

When creating a new Item Source Price, you are presented with the following options:

Pricing Type

Select this option if the Price is expressed in a fixed currency value.


Select this option if the Price is calculated according to a Discount.

Site Restriction
All Sites

Select this option if the Item Source Price applies to all Sites.


Select this option if the Item Source Price applies to a single Site. Select the relevant Site from the drop down list.

Drop Ship

Check this option if this Item Source Price applies to Drop Ship Orders.

Qty. Break (Vendor UOM)

Specify the minimum quantity of the Item you must order to receive a Price Break.

Price per Unit

Specify the Price per unit if the Quantity Break requirements are met.


This field is only available if the Pricing Type is set to Nominal.

Discount Percent (Wholesale Price)

Specify the Discount Percent.


This field is only available if the Pricing Type is set to Discount.

Discount By Fixed Amount

Specify a fixed amount to apply to the selected quantity break.


This field is only available if the Pricing Type is set to Discount.

Wholesale Price

Displays the Wholesale Price.