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5.13. Time-Phased Planned Revenue/Expenses by Planner Code

To view time-phased planned Revenue/Expenses by Planner Code, select the "Time-Phased Planned Revenue/Expenses by Planner Code" option. The following screen will appear:

Time-Phased Planned Revenue/Expenses by Planner Code

When displaying time-phased planned Revenue/Expenses by Planner Code, you are presented with the following options:

All Planner Codes

Select to display time-phased planned Revenue/Expenses for all Planner Codes.


Specify Planner Code whose time-phased planned Revenue/Expenses you want to display.


Enter a Planner Code pattern to select a range of Planner Codes. Refine your search using Regular Expressions.


Sort the information using one of the following costing parameters:

Use Standard Cost

Select to display Standard Cost.

Use Actual Cost

Select to display Actual Cost.

All Sites

Select to display time-phased planned Revenue/Expenses by Planner Code for all Sites.


Specify Site whose time-phased planned Revenue/Expenses by Planner Code you want to display.

Sales Price

Sort the information using one of the following pricing parameters:

Use List Price

Select to display the List Price.

Use Average Price

Select to display Average Price. Average Price is based on the Item's average selling Price.

Start Evaluation Date

Specify date to start evaluating average Price. This is a required field.

End Evaluation Date

Specify date to stop evaluating average Price. This is a required field.


Select the Calendar you want to use for the report. Associated Calendar periods will be displayed.

Name/Selected Periods

Select as many periods as you want to display. Selected periods correspond to Calendar specified in the "Calendar" field. Select individual periods or groups of periods together. To select an individual period, highlight the period using your mouse button. The period is now selected. To select a sequence of periods, highlight the first in the sequence using your mouse button. Then, holding down the SHIFT key on your keyboard, highlight the last period in the sequence. The entire sequence is now selected. To select periods that are out of sequence (e.g., January, April, July, October), highlight the first period in the group. Then, holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard, highlight the next period you want to select. Continue highlighting periods with the CTRL key depressed until all desired periods are selected. The entire group is now selected.

Planned Revenue and Expenses

Display lists time-phased planned Revenue/Expenses by Planner Code, using the specified parameters.