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6.6. User-Defined Costing Elements

If you need to establish Costing Elements above and beyond the default Costing Elements defined by the system, you have the ability to do so in this section. Costing Elements you add here will be available to you when you define Costs for Items, as described in Section 6.1, “ Maintain Item Costs”. To create user-defined Costing Elements, select the "User-Defined Costing Elements" option. The following screen will appear:

User-Defined Costing Elements Master List

The user-defined Costing Elements master list displays an alphabetical list of all user-defined Costing Elements.


By default, the system provides the following Costing Elements for manufactured Items:

  • Direct Labor

  • Machine Overhead

  • Overhead

For purchased Items, this default Costing Elements is provided:

  • Material