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2.3. Copy Item

The Copy Item screen can be used as

  • a Quick Item Builder to create new Items in order to satisfy the "reusable" requirement

  • a Job Order Builder which allows you to add, remove and/or change Bill of Material and Bill of Operation lines.

To make a copy of an Item, select the "Copy Item" option. The following screen will appear:

Copy Item

When copying an Item, you are presented with the following options:

Item Number (Source Item)

Enter the Item Number of the Item you want to copy.


Inventory Unit of Measure.

Target Item Number

The target Item Number must be a unique Item Number new to the system.

Copy Bill of Materials

Select if you want to copy the source Item's Bill of Materials.

Copy Bill of Operations

Select if you want to copy the source Item's Bill of Operations.

Rollup Prices

Select if the Price should be based on the price of all the target Material and Operations.

Copy Item Sites

Select if you want to copy the source Item's Item Sites.

Copy Used At Operation

Select if you want to include the "Used At" Operation information when copying a source Item's Bill of Materials. If selected, the "Schedule w/ W/O Operation" information will also be copied.


Click the COPY button to copy the Item according to the selections made on this screen.

To add or remove components in the Bill of Material for the target Item, click on the "Bill of Material" tab. The following is displayed:

Search for Item

Start typing the Item that you would like to add. A list of Items containing the typed characters will appear, allowing you to select the Item that you want to add to the Bill of Material.

ADD ->

Clicking the ADD-> button will add selected components from the list in the left pane to the "Component Items" list on the right.


To remove components from the source Item's Bill of Material, select the components in the "Bill of Material" list and click the REMOVE -> button.

Component Items

Display lists the components that will be part of the target Item's Bill of Material.

To add or remove standard Operations, select the "Bill of Operations" tab. The following will be displayed:

Available Standard Operations

By default the display lists the source Item's Bill of Operations. Select the Operations that you wish to include in the target Item's Bill of Operations.

ADD ->

Clicking the ADD-> button will add selected Operations from the list in the left pane to the "Bill of Operations" list on the right.


To remove Operations from the source Item's Bill of Operations, highlight the relevant Operations in the "Bill of Operations" list and click the REMOVE -> button.

Bill of Operations

Display lists the target Item's Bill of Operations.

To add or remove Item Sites for the target Item, select the "Item Site" tab. The following will be displayed:

Item Sites

By default the list will display the source Item's Item Sites. From this list, you can select the Item Sites that you do not wish to copy to the target Item.


The list of Item Sites displayed will be copied to the target item when the COPY button is clicked.


Click the REMOVE button to remove the selected Item Sites that should not be copied to the target Item.