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1.2.3. Unposted Vouchers

Vouchers may be posted individually or in groups using the Unposted Vouchers screen. After they are posted, open Vouchers may later be voided using the right-click menu on the Vendor history screen. To display unposted Vouchers, select the "List Unposted Vouchers" option. The following screen will appear:

List Unposted Vouchers


Actual Costs for purchased Items will be automatically updated when Vouchers are posted if there are differences between current Actual Costs and the vouchered Costs for the Items in question. Please keep in mind that Actual Costs only will be updated at posting. For new Costs to be recognized as Standard Costs, Actual Costs must be posted to Standard.

The "Vouchers" screen displays information on all unposted Vouchers, including Voucher Number, Purchase Order Number, Vendor Number/Vendor name, Vendor Invoice Number, and distribution date. Users with the appropriate privilege will also see the G/L distribution date column.


You may select multiple Vouchers for posting by highlighting them using your mouse—or a combination of your mouse and either the SHIFT or CTRL keys.

The following buttons are unique to this screen:


Opens screen for creating a new Miscellaneous Voucher.


If you have a Purchase Order Voucher that was corrupted by, for example, a sudden power outage, you can clear the record by running the Post Vouchers screen. In most cases, this action will remove the corrupted record and allow you to voucher the Purchase Order with a fresh Voucher.


Highlight one—or multiple—Vouchers, then select this button to post the selected Voucher(s). By default, Vouchers post to the General Ledger (G/L) on their distribution date. However, users with the appropriate privilege may change the G/L distribution date to an alternate date during the Voucher posting process. If used, Vouchers will post on the alternate date. The ability privileged users have to change the distribution date applies to the posting of both individual and also batches of Vouchers from this screen.

Print Journal

Select to print the G/L Series Journal in addition to posting the Vouchers.